Sit in music è una band electro-pop composta da Fabio Bonelli (Musica da Cucina, MATITA) e Adalgisa, una dolce pupazzetta che accompagna con la sua voce tutte le canzoni.
E anche coristi strampalati, astronavi di cartapesta, astri parlanti, orsi cantanti e tanto altro, in uno spettacolo colorato e scintillante che mescola l’indie pop, liberamente ispirato a Beatles, Pixies, Yo La Tengo, con il musical, il Muppet Show, il circo e la fantascienza.
Sit In Music is an electro pop band composed by Fabio Bonelli and Adalgisa, a sweet puppet who kindly sings and dance.
There is also a puppet band, colourful and wild. And also papier-mâché starships, singing suns, speaking bears and many others, in a colourful and sparkling show that, starting from indie pop inspired by Beatles, Pixies and Yo La Tengo, aims at merging puppetry, musical, Muppet Show, circus and sci-fi.
The project started in January 2014, with quite a number of gigs in Italy, often characterized by a good audience response with several sold out concerts. Puppets and tricks are moved by Solenn Le Marchand and Alberto Stevanato from the art-rock band Grimoon and the stop motion studio Frame by Frame.